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GDN S.p.A.

via Cassino D'Alberi 21
20067 Tribiano (MI)

tel. +39 02 910 000 29


About us


GDN SpA, the Holding company, was founded by Vincenzo Ghidini in 1993 with the aim of offering logistics services on behalf of third parties. Our Company professionalism is reflected through our high expertise in the field, combining resources and entrepreneurial spirit, to offer our customers the best services in order to fulfil their expectations.

Precisely as to meet the needs of our customers, GDN became involved in the real estate sector and in particular in the construction and management of industrial properties intended for logistics activities.

At present GDN is managed by Vincenzo's three children, Andrea, Alessio and Elisa, and continues to deal with real estate management while offering subsidiary companies all corollary services to their business.

GDN Group includes two daughter companies, GDN Logistica SpA and Odpiù SpA.

Our Group was established to combine two fundamental characteristics: - professionalism in the field of logistics and - high propensity, in relation to the construction and management of industrial properties with innovative solutions for the clients who use the facilities.

Through GDN Logistica SpA and Odpiù SpA, we provide services and solutions in the field of logistics and trade, guaranteeing high-quality standards, and favouring solid human and business values.

GDN SpA, the parent company, is active in real estate, particularly in the construction and management of industrial properties.

GDN Gestione Depositi Nazionali Spa
  • GDN Group companies

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